When you are entering orders in the Catalog, you now have the option to create a Single Order or a Multi-Date Order. Please view the video below to show you the steps to create a Single and Multi-Date Order in the Catalog.
When clicking on the bag to add items, there will be an option to create a single order or multiple orders.
The Single Order will be the same order process as it has been when creating an order from the Catalog.
Selecting a Multidate Order will allow you to select multiple dates and generate multiple orders at the same time as you are shopping through the Catalog. CLICK HERE to place an Order from Multidate
*** This is great for planning out Prebook orders and future Deliveries that drop on specific dates ***
CLICK HERE to see the Demo.
You now have the ability to RESET your orders and start over.
You will receive a notification to confirm if you want to reset your order